Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cholera Again

Today we were reminded again of the fragile state of things here in Haiti. I had noticed an uptick yesterday in the number of new cholera patients. This morning as we walked past the cholera section the place was overflowing with people laying everywhere. Cholera has reared its ugly head and returned with a vengeance. IV's everywhere hooked up and running. Not enough hooks to hang the IV bags on, family stands by holding the bags by hand. Staff mopping the floors continually and people carrying buckets back and forth. There are over 150 current patients. Three died overnight and 2 died already this morning. As I walked past the front gate of the Hospital a car pulled up it was in quite a rush to drive into the hospital. I was happy to bypass the commotion and keep moving. When I return 5 minutes later there was wailing everywhere. I was told that the car had pulled up to the hospital gate and that a young woman had got out she took a couple of steps and died right on the spot. People were afraid and wailed for help. The wailing is chilling as women cry out in distress.

This has made us be more vigilant about personal hygiene. We have easy access to filtered water so that is not a problem. Pray for the people of Northwest Haiti and those who care for them. I'm afraid that things will get worse before they get better.

Pray for 2 of our team who had a fever in the night. They stayed back to rest today. Pray.

2 days remain until we will turn ourselves around and head for home. Today is field trip day. The whole staff of HOH will head over for an afternoon at the beach. Our team will tag along for the ride. I will try and post pictures tomorrow.

Fo m'ale (gotta go)

1 comment:

  1. I've been praying for you all daily, especially my mom, Jean. (XOXO)
    May you feel the prayers of support and love from your family at home. I pray God will show you his power over sickness and heal your broken bodies. We serve an awesome God who can do all things!
    Psalm 30" 1-2, 11-12
    "I will exalt you, O Lorn, for You have lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me. O Lord my God, I called to You for help and you healed me." "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!"
    Thank you for the blog it keeps us closer. Lots of love from your family back in PA where we are getting Haitian like weather, 101 yesterday, I think it is God's way of reminding me to pray for you as you experience uncomfortable conditions! :-)
